E-services and databases Application for a license or approval of animal health staff e-tjänst Apply for a license or approval of animal health staff. Apply for a phytosanitary certificate e-tjänst If you intend to export plants, seed or other plant products you need to apply for a phyto­sanitary certificate. Notify imports of fresh fruit, vegetables and other plant products, and wood packaging material e-tjänst Notify consignments to the Swedish Board of Agriculture when importing plants or plant products from countries outside the EU as well as wooden packaging from Belarus, India and China. Exemptions from plant protection rules when importing or moving plants, plant products, soil, etc. for scientific purposes e-tjänst Apply for an exemption from the plant health regulation. E-services for registration of plant varieties and Plant Breeders' Right A variety of e-services for registration of plant varieties and Plant Breeders' Right Search for aquaculture establishments Databas You can search for aquaculture establishments which are registered, and in many cases also approved according to the EU Animal Health Law (AHL). LICnet-online licence application e-tjänst LICnet lets you submit applications for various licences. All our e-services and databases - in Swedish