Trade in plants, plant products and wood Trade with plants and plant propagating material Rules for plant health when you trade in plants and plant propagating material. Trade with cut flowers and other parts of plants Rules for trade with live plant parts, for example fresh flowers and foliage, bouquets, wreaths, live branches and Christmas trees. Trade with soil and fertiliser Rules for trade with soil, growing media, fertilisers and lime between Sweden and other countries. Trade with wood and wood products What applies to the import and export of wood and wood products, as well as trade within the EU. Wood packaging material used in international trade Rules for wood packaging material used in trade with countries outside the EU. Plant passport, traceability and other measures against pests when trading with plants and plant products in Sweden and the EU Rules on plant passports and traceability for professional plant operators who move plants or plant products. Phytosanitary certificate and other measures against pests when trading plants, plant products and other objects with countries outside the EU Which plants and plant products that need a phytosanitary certificate when trading with countries outside the EU. Border control posts and opening hours for plant health import checks Border control posts and opening hours for plant health import checks of fresh fruit, vegetables, plants, plant products and wood.