Public information on identification and registration of animals In accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/429, Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/2035 and Implementing Regulation (EU) 2020/963 Member States and competent authorities shall make the following information regarding identification and registration of animals public. Each member states information on this issue can be found on the website Identification and registration of certain kept terrestrial animals ( Contact points for the computer databases If you have any questions you are welcome to contact our Customer service by phone or e-mail. +46 771‑­223 223 The means of identification that are to be used for each species and category of kept terrestrial animals For approved means of identification follow the link for each species Means of identification Species Description Approved means of identification Bovine A conventional ear tag attached to each ear flap or a conventional ear tag attached to one ear flap and an electronic ear tag attached to the other ear flap The means of identification for bovine Ovine and caprine animals if the animal is intended to be moved directly to a slaughterhouse before the age of 12 months or after undergoing a fattening operation in another establishment and intended to be moved to a slaughterhouse within the memberstate before the age of 12 months At least one conventional ear tag attached to one of the ear flaps The means of identification for ovine and caprine animals Ovine and caprine animals not intended to be moved directly to slaughterhouse before the age of 12 months A conventional ear tag attached to one of the ear flaps and an electronic or a conventional ear tag attached to the other ear flap The means of identification for ovine and caprine animals Equine An injectable transponder The means of identification for equine Porcine A conventional ear tag attached to one of the ear flaps or an electronic ear tag attached to one of the ear flaps or a tattoo The means of identification for porcine Dogs, cats and ferrets when they are moved to another Member State An injectable transponder The means of identification for dogs The means of identification for cats The means of identification for ferrets Camelid and cervid animals A conventional ear tag attached to each ear flap or an injectable transponder Reindeer covered by the Reindeer Husbandry Act (1971:437) must however be marked according to that act. The means of identification for camelid The means of identification for cervid animals Psittacidae A leg-ring attached at least to one leg or an injectable transponder or a tattoo The means of identification for psittacidae The prescribed format for the issuing of the identification documents and movement documents and the authorities or bodies responsible for issuing them Identification documents Bovine animal (Swedish Board of Agriculture) Pdf, 703.4 kB. Model form of identification documents for equine animals can be found in Annex II of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/963. Annex II of Implementing Regulation (EU) 2021/963 ( Movement documents Ovine and caprine animals (Swedish Board of Agriculture) Porcine animals (Swedish Board of Agriculture) There are also movement document that are provided by slaughterhouses. These documents have been approved by the Swedish Board of Agriculture, they contain all the data according to EU legislation and can only be used when ovine, caprine and porcine animals are moved directly to a slaughterhouse. Breeds of bovine animals reared specifically for traditional cultural and sporting events Sweden has no bovine animals reared specifically for traditional cultural and sporting events. Establishment of a specific supply chain (porcine animals) List of establishments of a specific supply chain List of establishments of a specific supply chain Establishment of destination Establishment of origin SE 827 SE 2 472 SE 1 694 SE 62 620 SE 2 447 SE 15 940 SE 2 920 SE 38 355 SE 8 489 SE 22 875 SE 13 075 SE 90 037 SE 16 319 SE 44 311 SE 17 688 SE SE 11 886 20 928 SE 18 811 SE 120 323 SE 22 304 SE 14 412 SE 25 966 SE 71 491 SE 26 547 SE SE 401 475 SE 26 731 SE SE 62 620 11 868 SE 30 167 SE 97 216 SE 31 920 SE 71 491 SE 32 641 SE 55 051 SE 36 932 SE 14 412 SE 38 058 SE 38 040 SE 38 172 SE 22 600 SE 38 244 SE 57 746 SE 38 525 SE SE 3 472 427 SE 39 833 SE SE 65 134 22 876 SE 45 809 SE SE 1 948 28 034 SE 47 629 SE 14 183 SE 47 899 SE 728 790 SE 53 372 SE 1 642 SE 54 794 SE 62 620 SE 55 471 SE 53 323 SE 56 188 SE 1 733 SE 57 258 SE 719 SE 57 442 SE 62 620 SE 58 736 SE SE 20 474 60 935 SE 59 466 SE SE SE 58 843 46 650 70 747 SE 60 082 SE 62 620 SE 60 370 SE 62 620 SE 61 135 SE 36 373 SE 61 334 SE SE 20 928 1 733 SE 62 558 SE 30 689 SE 66 247 SE 17 349 SE 66 767 SE 2 472 SE 67 168 SE 14 043 SE 70 289 SE SE SE 20 337 20 439 33 443 SE 86 334 SE 132 658 SE 195 391 SE 719 SE 196 367 SE SE 71 491 36 669 SE 200 261 SE 57 436 SE 225 536 SE 790 400 SE 228 488 SE 901 062 SE 250 417 SE 39 944 SE 254 209 SE 21 028 SE 324 080 SE 97 216 Close Populations of kept equine animals living under semi-wild conditions and the areas where they live Sweden has no populations of animals living under semi-wild conditions List of competent authorities and delegated bodies responsible for issuing single lifetime identification documents for equine animals Delegated bodies issuing identification documents for horses Authorised alternative methods of identification for equine animals In Sweden there are no alternative methods of equine animals. Injectable transponders are used for equine animals. Contact point To send the attestation referred to in point (c)(i) of Article 27(1) or the identification documents referred to in point (c)(ii) of Article 27 (1) of Implementing Delegation (EU) 2021/963 for further distribution to the respective issuing body please contact us by e-mail. Hjälpte informationen på den här sidan dig? Ja Nej