Application for approval of professional qualifications for use of plant protection products Please fill in the application form if you work in another country than Sweden and want to have your professional qualifications for use of plant protection products approved in Sweden. A copy of your application will be sent to you by e-mail. Fields with the red star are mandatory fields to fill in. First name and surname * (mandatory) Address * (mandatory) Telephone * (mandatory) Email * (mandatory) Date of birth * (mandatory) YYYY-MM-DD Any address in Sweden Country where you received your education or professional experience * (mandatory) Estimate how long you will work in Sweden Additional information, e.g. working tasks you will have in Sweden Attach certificate of education and/or proof of professional experience. Also attach a copy of you passport or other identifying document that verifies your age. Attach files by clicking the buttons below. I agree that the Swedish Board of Agriculture use my personal data. When you contact us via a webb form and leave your personal data, you enter into an agreement with the Swedish Board of Agriculture, where you give us the right to process your personal data under the General Data Protection Regulation. Your data is processed electronically by the Swedish Board of Agriculture and stored in accordance with the current archiving rules for the authorities. * Information services survey Hjälpte informationen på den här sidan dig? Ja Nej