Finance your research There are several grants to apply for you as a researcher if you connect your research to the 3Rs and alternative methods. We share information about funders and grants when it comes to research or projects involving the 3Rs. The Swedish 3Rs Center do not fund research or projects ourselves. But if you miss an actor on this list, please let us know. Funders and grants in Sweden Swedish Research Council The Swedish Research Council grants 3Rs projects within all three Rs. The call opens in February every year. Swedish Research Council: Research project grant for development of methods to replace, reduce and refine animal experiments (3R) ( Swedish Fund for Research Without Animal Experiments The Swedish Fund for Research Without Animal Experiments is funding research projects aimed at replacing animal experiments or promoting more efficient utilization of existing alternative methods. Swedish Fund for Research Without Animal Experiments ( Formas FORMAS funds research for sustainable development and have previously funded research within the 3Rs. Formas' Annual open call ( Vinnova Vinnova finances innovation projects with the aim to strengthen Sweden’s innovation capacity. Vinnova funding ( Torvald and Britta Gahlins stiftelse Torvald and Britta Gahlins stiftelse is a Swedish foundation that grants research that contributes to replace, reduce and refine animal experiments. The foundation has only information in Swedish. Contact the Swedish 3Rs Center for more information. International prizes European Partnership for Alternative Approaches to Animal Testing The organisation EPAA gives every second year a scientific prize to a researcher in Europe making outstanding efforts for the 3Rs. They also have a special prize within Refinement. EPAA also sponsor students and young researchers to participate in scientific 3Rs events. EPAA: 3Rs awards and grants ( National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement & Reduction of Animals in Research The British 3Rs Centre annually awards one or several researchers with their international 3Rs prize. The prize is meant to recognise a paper published in the last three years with demonstrable 3Rs impacts. NC3Rs International 3Rs prize ( Hjälpte informationen på den här sidan dig? Ja Nej