There are grants that you can apply for if you have research projects related to the three Rs.
We have compiled information about research funding bodies that grant research projects related to the 3Rs. Please let us know if you are missing an organisation on this page.
The Swedish 3Rs Centers does not fund research.
The Swedish Research Council grants projects within all three Rs through a dedicated call. The call opens in February every year.
Torvald och Britta Gahlins stiftelse is a Swedish foundation that grants research that contributes to replacement, reduction and refinement of animal experimentation. The foundation only provides information in Swedish.
The Swedish Fund for Research Without Animal Experiments is funding research projects aimed to replace animal experimentation or promote more efficient utilization of existing animal‑free methods.
Formas funds research for ecologically, economically and socially sustainable development and that can contribute to achieving the global sustainable development goals. This may include projects aimed at improving the welfare for animals used in research.
The Swedish 3Rs Center has produced a statement on the 3Rs for Swedish research funding bodies. In the process we have been in contact with various funding bodies, and listened to their point of view. In the statement we explain what it means to continously work with the three Rs, and which effects this can have on Swedish research. The research funding bodies that have endorsed the statement want to contribute to further development of the work with the three Rs in Sweden.
Currently, the following Swedish research funding bodies have endorsed the statement
The American Alternatives Research & Development Foundation (ARDF) have an Annual Open Grant Program aimed at one-year research projects to develop methods that advance science and replace or reduce animal experimentation. ARDF accepts applications from all over the world but have a preference for U.S. applications.
The EU has a framework programme for research and innovation. The current framework programme is called Horizon Europe and runs from 2021 to 2027. The aim of the programme is to strengthen the scientific and technological base within the EU, support research and innovation from idea to the market and complement national and regional funding.
The framework programme Horizon Europe consists of three pillars. Pillar 2 supports research and innovation related to societal challenges and technologies in areas distributed into six clusters: 1) health, 2) culture, 3) civil security, 4) digital technologies and industry, 5) climate, energy and mobility, 6) food, natural resources, agriculture and environment.
The Swedish 3Rs Center has previously made an inventory of opportunities for funding of research projects related to the 3Rs within the framework programme. Opportunities for funding of 3Rs related projects were primarily found within the cluster for health in Pillar 2.
If you are interested in applying for funding from Horizon Europe, each area has a national contact point that offers guidance, practical information and assistance. The Swedish national contact points for the cluster health are Vinnova, the Swedish Research Council and Forte.