List of establishments and laboratories

In this section we have gathered all lists of approved establishments and laboratories in the veterinary and zootechnical fields.

Establishments in the veterinary field

Assembly centres

List of approved assembly centres for intra-Community trade in bovine animals and swine, equine, ovine and caprine animals.

Semen collection, processing and germinal product storage centres

List of approved semen collection centres, germinal product processing and storage centres for intra-Community trade in bovine, porcine, ovine, caprine and equine germinal products.

Embryo collection teams

List of approved embryo collection teams for intra-Community trade in bovine, porcine, ovine, caprine and equine oocytes and embryos.

Establishments for Poultry

List of approved establishments for poultry

Establishments in the zootechnical field

The competent authority to receive notifications referred to in article 12 and information, requests or notifications referred to in articles 48 and 49 of the Animal Breeding Regulation 2016/1012 is:

Jordbruksverket / Swedish Board of Agriculture

551 82 Jönköping


Member States that send a notification as referred to in Article 12 should preferably contact us by e-mail. Please include a translated breeding programme (Swedish) and starting date for the breeding programme in the request.

List of breed societies, approved or recognised for maintaining or establishing a herd-book, flock or studbook.


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Revision date: 2025-02-28