BALTOHOP – supporting implementation of One Health national action plans on AMR in the Baltic sea region
BALTOHOP (BALTic One Health One Plan) is a two-year collaboration project funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers through NordForsk, and started in the early 2023. The objective is to strengthen the national efforts in the work against antimicrobial resistance (AMR) in the Baltic states. An important aspect of BALTOHOP is to share knowledge and experiences among all participating countries as well as gaining new insights.
The project includes both concrete tools for the work against AMR as well as activities to enhance and support collaboration between human, animal and environmental sectors within the Baltic countries.
The overarching outcomes of the project are:
- Empower implementation of National Action Plans
- Provide skills and tools for prudent use of antibiotics
- Facilitate establishment of Inter-sectoral Coordinating Mechanisms
The project builds on the former EU-funded project LATOHOP between Sweden and Latvia, that has now expanded to a Nordic-Baltic collaboration where partners from Sweden, Norway and Denmark support the work in Estonia, Latvia and Lithuania in the development and implementation of their national action plans against AMR.
A first step has been to facilitate and guide the establishment of national intersectoral coordinating mechanisms (ICM) within the countries. The project also provides tools for actions taken on the professional level to promote AMR stewardship, primarily within the public health and veterinary/food sectors. All partners are jointly exploring possibilities in addressing the environmental dimensions of AMR.
BALTOHOP includes stakeholders and experts from all six countries. The project is led by the Public Health Agency of Sweden and the Swedish Board of Agriculture. The Danish Statens Serum Institut, the Danish Veterinary and Food Administration and the Norwegian Veterinary Institute are contributing with knowledge and support.
Estonia is represented by the Health Board and the Agriculture and Food Board. Latvia is represented by the Centre for Disease Prevention and Control of Latvia and the Ministry of Agriculture. Lithuania is represented by the Institute of Hygiene and the National Food and Veterinary Risk Assessment Institute of Lithuania.
Main events and activities 2023-2024
Establishment of ICMs
During the first year of the project, the main focus has been on supporting the Baltic countries in the establishment of national intersectoral coordinating mechanisms (ICM). The ICM consists of stakeholders from different sectors that are all involved in the work against AMR. This can include public health, animal health, food, environment, research and education. Since AMR affects many parts of society, coordinated efforts using a One Health approach are essential.
In addition to joint online seminars and online bilateral discussions, on-site workshops have been organized within the countries, enabling more in-depth discussions and exercises on how to set up a well-functioning and sustainable ICM tailored to meet the needs and conditions in each country.
Toolbox for prudent use
One of the outcomes of BALTOHOP is to Provide human and animal health professionals and animal farmers with skills and tools for prudent use of antibiotics as a means to prevent and contain AMR.
The focus for the human health sector so far has been stewardship and primarily the Swedish Strama model (the Swedish strategic program against antibiotic resistance). Based on the content of an e-learning course on Strama the project has provided 3 online seminars and two onsite visits. One in Lithuania in April 2024 and one in Latvia in November 2024.
Within the veterinary sector several webinars have been organized on different topics and with focus on different animal species. In addition, an on-site workshop on Treatment strategies was organized in Riga in June 2024, gathering participants from all Baltic countries. During the workshop participants got the chance to learn new tools and to exchange ideas and knowledge between the countries.
National Action Plan 2024–2025
During the final year of the project, the main focus will be on supporting the Baltic countries in developing, implementing and evaluating their National Action Plans on AMR or national strategy. Some of the work is done in collaboration with WHO providing support and guidance in the processes. Each country has individual opportunities and challenges and are in different stages of progress. Still all partners can gain insight and learn from each other, and proceed with the work in their own context.
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Revision date: 2025-02-10