Apply for a phytosanitary certificate
If you intend to export plants, seed or other plant products which are regulated in the recipient country’s plant protection legislation, you need to apply for a phytosanitary certificate. This applies when you are exporting to a country outside the EU.
There are two different e‑services. Which one to use is decided by which country you are exporting to.
Paper certificates to most countries
For all countries, except the United Kingdom, Argentina and Panama, you should use the e‑service ”Phyto” to apply for phytosanitary certificates in paper form.
Good to know
- The e-service works best in the latest versions of Google Chrome web browser. You may also need to update Chrome (Ctrl + F5) while using the service.
- A preliminary application for a phytosanitary certificate is valid for 90 days, then it is deleted. You will then have to apply again.
Register to be able to use the e-service
To be able to use the e-service "Phyto", you must first be a registered user. Fill in the registration form, sign it and e-mail it to us.
When we have registered you in the system, you will receive an automatically generated password sent to your registered e-mail address.
How you apply for a certificate
When you apply for a phytosanitary certificate, your applications are saved in a database which you can later use to copy information when you are applying again.
Once you have submitted your application, you will be forwarded to a new page in the e-service, where you may submit attachments. Press the Attach button. You can only make attachments once you have sent in your definitive application. When you submit attachments via the e-service, you do not need to e-mail them to us.
Service information: There may be disruptions in the e-service due to maintenance work on September 18th between 5 and 10 pm.
Electronic certificates to the United Kingdom, Argentina, Panama, Costa Rica and Mexico
From the 1st of July 2023 it is mandatory to apply for electronic phytosanitary certificates (ePhyto) via the EU common system Traces for consignments being exported to the United Kingdom, Argentina, Panama, Costa Rica and Mexico.
Manuals för exporters
There are currently no manuals in English specifically for exporters. If you need help registering in Traces and applying for an electronic phytosanitary certificate, please contact us.
There is a general manual from the European commission that you can use.
Submit your application on time
You must send in an application for a certificate at the latest five business days before your planned export. The consignment must be available for an export check at the latest three business days before your planned export.
Fees for a phytosanitary certificate and pre‑export certificate
The fee for processing an application for a phytosanitary certificate and pre‑export certificate is SEK 450 per certificate.
If the certificate concerns any of the following categories, the fee is instead SEK 350:
- frozen fruit, berries and vegetables
- cut fruit and vegetables
- peat moss and substrate products
- starch products.
If processing a certificate takes more than an hour, a fee of SEK 950 for each initiated hour will be charged. To reduce the need for a long processing time, it is important that you ensure that your application is complete with the required documentation when you submit it.
An additional fee will be due if we check your consignment prior to export. The cost of export checks that take at most two hours is SEK 3,000. If the checks take longer, an additional SEK 950 for each initiated hour will be charged.
More information about phytosanitary certificates
You can read more about the different types of certificates that are used when exporting on our page about the import and export of plants, plant products and other items.
Contact us if you have questions
For questions about phytosanitary certificates you are welcome to contact us.
For technical questions concerning Traces, you are welcome to contact the Traces support team.
Revision date: 2024-01-12