The Swedish Plant Protection Council

The Swedish Plant Protection Council is formed under a governmental mandate to the Swedish Board of Agriculture ranging to year 2025, as part of a long term political agreement of the Swedish National Strategy for Food Production.

The two cornerstones of the tasks of the council are the Sustainable Use of Pesticides Directive 2009/128/EC and the Regulation Concerning the Placing of Plant Protection Products on the Market (EC) 1107/2009. The eleven participants of the council include five key governmental agencies involved in implementing regulations concerning plant protection, the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, advisory and farmers associations, a nongovernmental environmental organization and the Swedish crop protection association.

Task of the Council

The remit of the Swedish Plant Protection Council is to constitute a collaborative forum facilitating the dialogue and exchange of information among and between stakeholders and authorities in Sweden with a broad focus on forward planning on needs, availability and sustainability of plant protection methods for the Swedish agriculture. Also, at present the mandate is supported by a funding of approximately 100.000 euros yearly to finance specific activities, studies and reports that may be necessary to help bringing the overall situation around plant protection issues in Sweden in a more favourable direction in terms of for example

  • sufficient availability of plant protection methods to cover for farmers needs
  • predictability of the need for and availability of plant protection methods
  • stimulating an increased availability and use of low risk plant protection products
  • supporting a sustainable use of chemical pesticides
  • understanding of the impact of the legal framework of pesticides regulations
  • connecting dots between practical farming principles and regulatory concerns
  • increasing relevance and compliance of conditions of use of plant protection products.


December 11, 2020, a digital workshop on leakage of pesticides from greenhouses were arranged by SLU Centre for pesticides in the environment on the behalf of the Swedish Plant Protection Council. There were about 30 participants from Sweden, The Netherlands, Denmark, Norway and Finland and the aim was to have a focused discussion on different measures to reduce the risk of leakage of pesticide residuals from greenhouses.

Contact us

Want to get in contact with the Council? Please send an e-mail.

Revision date: 2024-07-01

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