Marketing, import and export of seeds
Here you can read about the rules for trading with seed in Sweden and the rest of the EU. It also provides information on trade with non-EU countries.
The rules apply to persons and companies that sell seed or store seeds that are later to be sold or given away, so called marketing. If you import seed from other countries, you need to read what applies in this case as well.
You must register your activities with the Swedish Board of Agriculture
If you professionally package or market seed from seed-bearing plants, you must notify the seed unit of the Swedish Board of Agriculture via e-mail.
If you trade with seed for vegetables or ornamental plants, or other seeds, or seeds for which a plant passport is required, you must also register with the Swedish Board of Agriculture’s register of seed companies.
- E-service: Registration of professional production and sales of plants and seeds – in Swedish
- Plant passports, traceability and other measures against organisms harmful to plants
If you produce, market or store organic seed or organic plant propagating material, you must also register your organic business with the Swedish Agency for Agriculture.
Seed potatoes
If you are going to market seed potatoes, you must register and be approved by the Swedish Board of Agriculture’s seed unit. You must also register in the potato register using an e-service, and you must also register with the Swedish Board of Agriculture’s register of seed companies.
- E-service: Registration in the potato register – in Swedish
- E-service: Registration of professional production and sales of plants and seeds – in Swedish
- Plant passports, traceability and other measures against organisms harmful to plants
If you produce, market or store organic seed or organic plant propagating material, you must also register your organic business with the Swedish Agency for Agriculture.
Rules for marketing of seeds
In order to market seed of agricultural plants, the seed must be certified. In order to be able to sell vegetable seed, the seed must meet the requirements for controlled standard seed according to decisions or certifications by the Swedish Board of Agriculture. There are also rules that apply to marketing seed of ornamental plants and of some fruit plants.
Agricultural plants
In order to sell seed of agricultural plants, the seed must be certified.
- The seed plant shall be approved, and seed lots shall be approved.
- The varieties that you market must be approved.
- The seed must meet certain requirements such as germination, purity, plant health, and the occurrence of weeds. The requirements vary depending on the species and seed class.
- The seed must be sealed and labelled to verify conformity with EU rules. Certified seed of beets, fodder, fibre and oil plants may be packed in supplier-labelled small packages which must also be sealed and labelled. The seed package shall be sealed so that the package cannot be opened without destroying it or the seal.
- The seed package shall be marked with an official label, or print directly on the package itself. The label must specify e.g. the species, variety, class of seed and the certification number.
- Certain species of Agricultural plants are required to have plant passports. In this case, the labelling of certified seeds shall be combined with the plant passport.
- For conservation varieties of agricultural plants, special rules apply.
- Special rules also apply to some species of fodder crops, relating to the derogations for commercial seed.
Species in Latin | Species in Swedish |
Avena nuda L. | Nakenhavre |
Avena sativa L. (även A. byzantina K. Koch) | Havre och rödhavre |
Avena strigosa Schreb. | Purrhavre |
Hordeum vulgare L. | Korn |
Oryza sativa L. | Ris |
Secale cereale L. | Råg |
Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench subsp. bicolor | Sorghum |
Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench subsp. bicolor x Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench subsp. drummondii (Steud.) de Wet ex Davidse | Hybrider mellan Sorghum bicolor subsp. bicolor och Sorghum bicolor subsp. drummondii |
Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench subsp. drummondii (Steud.) de Wet ex Davidse | Sudangräs |
xTriticosecale Wittm. ex A. Camus | Rågvete (hybrider mellan Triticum och Secale) |
Triticum aestivum L. subsp. aestivum | Vete |
Triticum turgidum L. subsp. durum (Desf.) van Slageren | Durumvete |
Triticum aestivum L. subsp. spelta (L.) Thell. | Speltvete |
Phalaris canariensis L. | Kanariegräs |
Zea mays L. med undantag av convar microsperma Koern. och convar. sacchata Koern. | Majs utom puffmajs (popcorn) och sockermajs |
Species in Latin | Species in Swedish |
Agrostis canina L. | Brunven |
Agrostis capillaris L. | Rödven |
Agrostis gigantea Roth | Storven |
Agrostis stolonifera L. | Krypven |
Alopecurus pratensis L. | Ängskavle |
Arrhenatherum elatius (L.) P. Beauv. ex J. Presl & C. Presl | Knylhavre |
Bromus catharticus Vahl | Plattlosta |
Bromus sitchensis Trin. | Alaskagräs |
Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers. | Bermudagräs |
Dactylis glomerata L. | Hundäxing |
Festuca arundinacea Schreber | Rörsvingel |
Festuca filiformis Pourr. | Finsvingel |
Festuca ovina L. | Fårsvingel |
Festuca pratensis Huds. | Ängssvingel |
Festuca rubra L. | Rödsvingel |
Festuca trachyphylla (Hack.) Hack. | Hårdsvingel |
xFestulolium Asch. & Graebn. | Rajsvingel (hybrider mellan Festuca och Lolium) |
Lolium multiflorum Lam. | Italienskt rajgräs (inkl. westerwoldiskt rajgräs) |
Lolium perenne L. | Engelskt rajgräs |
Lolium x hybridum Hausskn | Hybridrajgräs |
Phalaris aquatica L. | Knölflen |
Phleum nodosum L. | Turftimotej, Vildtimotej |
Phleum pratense L. | Timotej |
Poa annua L. | Vitgröe |
Poa nemoralis L. | Lundgröe |
Poa palustris L. | Sengröe |
Poa pratensis L. | Ängsgröe |
Poa trivialis L. | Kärrgröe |
Trisetum flavescens (L.) P. Beauv. | Gullhavre |
Species in Latin | Species in Swedish |
Biserrula pelecinus L. | Sågväppling |
Galega orientalis Lam. | Fodergetruta |
Hedysarum coronarium L. | Rosenväppling |
Lathyrus cicera L. | Rödvial |
Lotus corniculatus L. | Käringtand |
Lupinus albus L. | Vitlupin |
Lupinus angustifolius L. | Blålupin |
Lupinus luteus L. | Gullupin |
Medicago doliata Carmign. | Pigglusern |
Medicago italica (Mill.) Fiori | Skivlusern |
Medicago littoralis Rohde ex Loisel. | Mattlusern |
Medicago lupulina L. | Humlelusern |
Medicago murex Willd. | Klotlusern |
Medicago polymorpha L. | Tagglusern |
Medicago rugosa Desr. | Rynklusern |
Medicago sativa L. | Blålusern |
Medicago scutellata (L.) Mill. | Snäcklusern |
Medicago truncatula Gaertn. | Tornlusern |
Medicago x varia T. Martyn Sand | Mellanlusern |
Onobrychis viciifolia Scop. | Esparsett |
Ornithopus compressus L. | Gulserradella |
Ornithopus sativus Brot. | Serradella |
Pisum sativum L. (partim.) | Foderärt, Kokärt |
Trifolium alexandrinum L. | Alexandrinerklöver |
Trifolium fragiferum L. | Smultronklöver |
Trifolium glanduliferum Boiss. | Glandelklöver |
Trifolium hirtum All. | Rosenklöver |
Trifolium hybridum L. | Alsikeklöver |
Trifolium incarnatum L. | Blodklöver |
Trifolium isthmocarpum Brot. | Saltklöver |
Trifolium michelianum Savi | Sumpklöver |
Trifolium pratense L. | Rödklöver |
Trifolium repens L. | Vitklöver |
Trifolium resupinatum L. | Doftklöver |
Trifolium squarrosum L. | Spärrklöver |
Trifolium subterraneum L. | Grävklöver |
Trifolium vesiculosum Savi | Pilbladsklöver |
Trigonella foenum-graecum L. | Bockhornsklöver |
Vicia benghalensis L. | Purpurvicker |
Vicia faba L. | Åkerböna |
Vicia pannonica Crantz | Ungersk vicker |
Vicia sativa L. | Fodervicker |
Vicia villosa Roth | Luddvicker |
Species in Latin | Species in Swedish |
Brassica napus L. var. napobrassica (L.) Rchb. | Kålrot |
Brassica oleracea L. convar. acephala (DC.) Alef. var. medullosa Thell. + var. viridis L. | Fodermärgkål |
Phacelia tanacetifolia Benth. | Honungsört |
Plantago lanceolata L. | Svartkämpar |
Raphanus sativus L. var. oleiformis Pers. | Oljerättika |
Species in Latin | Species in Swedish |
Beta vulgaris L. var. crassa Mansf. | Foderbeta |
Beta vulgaris L. var. altissima Döll | Sockerbeta |
Species in Latin | Species in Swedish |
Arachis hypogaea L. | Jordnöt |
Brassica juncea (L.) Czern. | Sareptasenap |
Brassica napus L. (partim.) | Raps |
Brassica nigra (L.) W.D.J. Koch | Svartsenap |
Brassica rapa L. var. silvestris (Lam.) Briggs | Rybs |
Cannabis sativa L. | Hampa |
Carthamus tinctorius L. | Safflor |
Carum carvi L. | Kummin |
Glycine max (L.) Merr. | Sojaböna |
Gossypium spp. | Bomull |
Helianthus annuus L. | Solros |
Linum usitatissimum L. | Oljelin, Spånadslin |
Papaver somniferum L. | Vallmo, Opievallmo |
Sinapis alba L. | Vitsenap |
Species in Latin | Species in Swedish |
Solanum tuberosum L. | Potatis |
In order to sell seed potatoes, the seed must be certified.
- The seed plant shall be approved, and seed lots shall be approved.
- The varieties that you market must be approved.
- The seed shall meet certain requirements.
- Potatoes may be portioned in small packages, which shall be sealed and labelled. You can read more about this in Annex 6, point B on the regulations on seed potatoes.
- Seed potatoes shall have a plant passport. The plant passport should be combined with the label.
- Special rules apply to conservation varieties of potatoes.
In order for you to be able to market vegetable seed, the seed must meet the requirements for controlled standard seed as decided by the Swedish Board of Agriculture or be certified.
- Businesses undertaking packaging or or labelling seeds in small packages shall keep records of stocks and packaging of lots and mixtures on a continuous basis.
- The seed shall be of approved varieties.
- The seed must meet certain requirements such as germination, purity, plant health, and the occurrence of weeds. The requirements vary depending on the species and seed class.
- The seed must be sealed and labelled to verity conformity with EU requirements. Vegetable seeds may also be marketed in small packages, which must be sealed and labelled. All seed must be officially labelled or labelled with a supplier label. The packager is responsible for the contents of the package.
- Certain vegetable species must have a plant passport.
- The seed package shall be sealed so that the package cannot be opened without destroying it or the seal.
- Special rules apply to seed of conservation varieties of vegetables and to amateur varieties of vegetables.
- If you market seed professionally, you must register your business using the e-service Registration of professional production and sales of plants and seeds.
Species in Latin | Species i Swedish |
Allium cepa L. - Cepa-gruppen | Lök |
Allium cepa L. - Aggregatum-gruppen | Schalottenlök |
Allium fistulosum L. | Piplök |
Allium porrum L. | Purjolök |
Allium sativum L. | Vitlök |
Allium schoenoprasum L. | Gräslök |
Anthriscus cerefolium (L.) Hoffm. | Dansk körvel |
Apium graveolens L. - Dulce-gruppen | Blekselleri |
Apium graveolens L. - Rapaceum-gruppen | Rotselleri |
Asparagus officinalis L. | Sparris |
Beta vulgaris L. - Rödbeta-gruppen | Rödbeta (inklusive Cheltenhambeta) |
Beta vulgaris L. - Mangold-gruppen | Mangold |
Brassica oleracea L. - Sabellica-gruppen | Grönkål |
Brassica oleracea L. - Botrytis-gruppen | Blomkål |
Brassica oleracea L. - Capitata-gruppen | Huvudkål (rödkål och vitkål) |
Brassica oleracea L. - Gemmifera-gruppen | Brysselkål |
Brassica oleracea L. - Gongylodes-gruppen | Kålrabbi |
Brassica oleracea L. - Sabauda-gruppen | Savojkål |
Brassica oleracea L. - Italica-gruppen | Broccoli |
Brassica oleracea L. - Palmifolia-gruppen | Palmkål |
Brassica oleracea L. - Tronchuda-gruppen | Portugisisk kål |
Brassica rapa L. - Pekinensis-gruppen | Salladskål |
Brassica rapa L. - Rapifera-gruppen | Rova |
Capsicum annuum L. | Chilipeppar, paprika |
Cichorium endivia L. | Friséesallat |
Cichorium intybus L. - Foliosum-gruppen | Cikoriasallat |
Cichorium intybus L. - Sallatscikoria-gruppen | Sallatscikoria |
Cichorium intybus L. - Sativum-gruppen | Rotcikoria |
Citrullus lanatus (Thunb.) Matsum. et Nakai | Vattenmelon |
Cucumis melo L. | Melon |
Cucumis sativus L. - Slanggurka-gruppen | Slanggurka |
Cucumis sativus L. - Druvgurka-gruppen | Druvgurka |
Cucurbita maxima Duchesne | Jättepumpa (inklusive vinterpumpa) |
Cucurbita pepo L. | Pumpa, squash |
Cynara cardunculus L. - Scolymus-gruppen | Kronärtskocka |
Cynara cardunculus L. - Kardon-gruppen | Kardon |
Daucus carota L. | Morot |
Foeniculum vulgare Mill. - Azoricum-gruppen | Sötfänkål |
Lactuca sativa L. | Sallat |
Solanum lycopersicum L. | Tomat |
Petroselinum crispum (Mill.) A. W. Hill- Foliosum-gruppen | Bladpersilja |
Petroselinum crispum (Mill.) A. W. Hill- Tuberosum-gruppen | Rotpersilja |
Phaseolus coccineus L. | Blomsterböna |
Phaseolus vulgaris L. - Buskböna-gruppen | Buskböna |
Phaseolus vulgaris L. - Störböna-gruppen | Störböna |
Pisum sativum L. - Märgärt-gruppen | Märgärt |
Pisum sativum L. - Sockerärt-gruppen | Sockerärt |
Pisum sativum L. - Spritärt-gruppen | Spritärt |
Raphanus sativus L. - Rädisa-gruppen | Rädisa |
Raphanus sativus L. - Rättika-gruppen | Rättika |
Rheum rhabarbarum L. | Rabarber |
Scorzonera hispanica L. | Svartrot |
Solanum melongena L. | Aubergin, äggplanta |
Spinacia oleracea L. | Spenat |
Valerianella locusta (L.) Laterr. | Vintersallat |
Vicia faba L. | Bondböna |
Zea mays L. - Microsperma-gruppen | Popmajs |
Zea mays L. - Saccharata-gruppen | Sockermajs |
There are also rules on permission to market seeds of ornamental plants and certain fruitplants.
- The seed shall be quality controlled to ensures satisfactory germination and plant health.
- You must label the seed to verify that conformity with EU requirements. The name of the variety shall, for example, be shown.
- The rules are different depending on whether the seed is sold to professional or non-professional end user.
- Certain varieties shall be included in a list kept by the supplier and the list shall be kept for at least three years.
- Certain species of ornamental plants shall have plant passports.
- If you market seed professionally, you must notify your business operations to the register of companies that produce or trade with ornamental seed. You register via our e-service.
- Registered suppliers shall keep documentary evidence of their marketing or purchases for at least one year.
The variety must be included in a list of varieties
In order to sell seed and other propagation material of regulated agricultural plants and vegetable species, the variety must be approved. This means that it must be included in the Swedish list of varieties or in the EU common catalogue of varieties for agricultural and vegetable plants.
If the species is not included in a variety list, you may still sell seed from the variety. This applies to species which are not regulated in the EU seed legislation, such as dill, buckwheat and smooth brome grass.
In the catalogues of varieties, you can find which varieties are approved for marketing. The easiest way is to first look the EU common catalogues of varieties, which also includes the Swedish varieties. Search in both the catalogue for agricultural plants and the catalogue for vegetables if you are unsure of which list the species may be included on.
Register organic seed in OrganicXseeds
If you market organic seed or seed potatoes to professional growers in Sweden, you can register your lots in OrganicXseeds, which is the Swedish database for organic seeds. It will then be simpler for growers to find available organic seed.
You can register your company and the seed on the website of the European Organic Seed Database. There you can also find a link to a user guide.
Register the seed in time
When to register the plant propagation material
You must register the plant propagation material by the latest
- 20 October the year before the spring season in the case of species intended for sowing, planting and planting in the spring.
- 1 June in the case of agricultural species intended for sowing in autumn, as well as agricultural and horticultural species intended for planting in autumn.
In the periods in between, you may not register new material with the exception of varieties and mixtures already available in the database.
Example 1: You receive a batch of over 25 tonnes of the oat variety Delfin in March. Delfin is registered as available in OrganicXseeds with another seed company. Then you may register your batch even if it is after October 20.
Example 2: You receive a batch of Kalorama white cabbage in February. The variety Kalorama was deregistered in January and there are no seed companies that have any seed of the variety anymore according to the database. You may not register your new batch of Kalorama in OrganicXseeds until autumn.
The reason is that growers should be able to plan their cultivation for the current season in a reasonable time, without the conditions for available seed changing during the season. This applies, for example, to order seed and the possible need to apply for an individual exception to use non-organic seed if there is no registered seed in the database.
When to have plant propagation material available
Your plant propagation material must be available for growers to order by
- 1 December in the case of species intended for sowing and planting in the spring.
- 10 June in the case of agricultural species intended for sowing in the autumn, and agricultural and horticultural species intended for planting in autumn.
You must be able to deliver a sufficient quantity of seed
In order to be able to register the variety in OrganicXseeds, you must be able to deliver the following amounts:
- Winter oil plants: at least 500 kilos
- potatoes: at least 3 tonnes
- blue lupin: at least 5 tonnes
- cereals and pulses: at least 25 tonnes
- feed corn: 3 tonnes
- 1 tonne lay seed for fodder purposes of
- Perennial ryegrass, Lolium perenne
- cocks-foot, Dactylis glomerata
- Italian rye-grass, Lolium multiflorum
- lucern - Medicago sativa L
- festulolium - Festulolium (Festuca ssp. x Lolium ssp.)
- red clover, Trifolium pratense
- red fescue, Festuca rubra
- tall fescue, Festuca arundinacea
- timothy, Phleum pratensis
- white clover, Trifolium repens
- Westerwolds ryegrass - Lolium multiflorum var. westerwoldicum
- common meadow grass, Poa pratensis
- meadow fescue, Festuca pratensis - 200 kilos of other species of ley seed intended for fodder.
De-register varieties when you do not have a sufficient quantity of seed left
You must de-register the variety from OrganicXseeds when you do not have the following quantities of seed left:
- Winter oil plants: at least 500 kilos
- potatoes: at least 3 tonnes
- blue lupin: at least 5 tonnes
- cereals and pulses: at least 15 tonnes
- 1 tonne ley seed for feed purposes of
- perennial ryegrass, Lolium perenne
- cocks-foot, Dactylis glomerata,
- Italian ryegrass, Lolium multiflorum
- lucerne - Medicago sativa L
- festulolium - Festulolium (Festuca ssp. x Lolium ssp.)
- red clover, Trifolium pratense
- red fescue, Festuca rubra
- tall fescue, Festuca arundinacea
- timothy, Phleum pratensis
- white clover, Trifolium repens
- Westerwolds ryegrass - Lolium multiflorum var. westerwoldicum
- common meadow grass, Poa pratensis
- meadow fescue, Festuca pratensis - 200 kilos of other species of ley seed intended for fodder.
This applies to mixtures
Requirement of at least 70 percent by weight of organic seed or seed from conversion land
Mixtures containing organic seed or seed from conversion land must contain at least 70 % by weight of such seed. A maximum of 30 % by weight may consist of conventionally grown chemically untreated seed.
All mixtures marketed must be approved by the Swedish Board of Agriculture. You may use the mixtures that we have approved without applying for an individual authorization. The mixtures that are approved are shown by OrganicXseeds in the category Approved mixture.
Mix different varieties
You may not mix a variety of organic seed or seed from conversion land with the same variety of conventional seed. There must be different varieties in the same mixture.
The Swedish Board of Agriculture approves the mixtures
You must apply for the Swedish Board of Agriculture to approve 70 percent mixtures before you register them in OrganicXseeds.
If the company market mixtures with only organic seed or seed from conversion land, you can register them in OrganicXseeds without applying for approval from the Swedish Board of Agriculture.
The labelling on the packaging must meet the requirements according to the seed legislation and plant health legislation. In addition to that, there must be information on the exact components of the mixture, expressed as weight in percent per included species and variety, as well as which species/varieties are organic, and which come from land under conversion.
The following text must also appear on the packaging if the Swedish Board of Agriculture has approved the mixture:
"The Swedish Board of Agriculture has approved the mixture according to regulation (EU) 2018/848. It may only be used in Sweden".
Mixtures without organic seed
Organic growers may, in some cases, use mixtures with only conventional chemically untreated seed. This applies if the grower has received a decision on individual authorization for the varieties or species included in the mixture or if a general exception applies to the species, crops or varieties included in the mixture. It is the grower who is responsible for meeting the requirements.
Organic heterogeneous plant material (OHM)
In order to register the Organic heterogeneous material, OHM in organicXseeds, you must first notify the Board of Agriculture. The form is only available in Swedish.
When you register your OHM for registration, you should also describe how you have produced the material. For more information, see the description of the OHM below. If requested, you should also send us a representative sample.
It costs SEK 8 000 to notify heterogeneous material to the Swedish Board of Agriculture. If you choose to pay by invoice, there is an additional SEK 100 in invoicing fee.
If the notification is complete, the Board of Agriculture publishes information on the material in a register of heterogeneous material. Registration is free of charge. We do so no later than 3 months after the notification was received by the Board of Agriculture. We will then also inform the other EU Member States about the material.
More information on the notification can be found on our Swedish web page about Organic Seed.
Identification of Organic heterogeneous plant material (OHM)
The identification of an OHM shall be possible on the basis of all of the following information:
- The parent material and production system used by the operator to develop the OHM. This includes describing type of technique used for the breeding or production method of the organic heterogeneous material and whether the selection has occurred naturally and/or as a result of conscious work.
- In which country OHM is bred or produced.
- A description of the main common characteristics and the phenotypic heterogeneity of the material.
Packaging and labelling
Small packages of seeds (up to 30 kg depending on the species) may be packed without special sealing requirements. Larger packages must be sealed in such a way that they cannot be opened without the package or container showing that they have been opened.
There shall be a yellow label with a green diagonal cross on the packaging or container. The label shall be legible, unused and clearly visible. If the information is printed directly on the packaging or container, the green cross on the yellow background does not need to be included.
For small, transparent packages, the label may be placed inside the package, provided that it is easy to read.
The following information shall appear on the label:
- the name of the heterogeneous material and the words ‘Organic heterogeneous material’
- the text “Union rules and standards”
- name and address of the person responsible for affixing the label or his customer number to the inspection body
- country of production
- reference numbers assigned by the person responsible for affixing the labels
- month and year of sealing after the word “sealed”
- species indicated at least by its botanical name, which may be expressed in abridged form in roman characters and without authority
- specified net or gross weight or number in the case of seed, excluding small packages
- if weight is indicated and pelleting substances or other solid additives are used, the type of additive and the approximate ratio between the weight of pure seed and the total weight
- information on the plant protection products applied to the PRM
- the current germination of the lot, where the organic heterogeneous material does not meet the minimum germination requirements.
There is an exemption from packaging and labelling requirements. This applies to small volumes of OHM and if the buyer requests in advance written information on the nature, the name of the material and the reference number of the lot at the time of delivery. You may sell OHM directly to end users without the OHM being sealed and labelled in packaging or containers. The small volumes applicable is different for different crops.
Health, analytical purity and germination
There is no requirement for an OHM to be certified according to the seed rules in order for it to be marketed. However, even an OHM needs to meet basic minimum requirements for health, analytical purity and germination. You must analyse the seed and it must not contain spores of Tilletia caries or Tilletia contraversa. There shall also be no seeds of wild oat or Lolium temulentum. Seed cultivations of organic heterogeneous material shall be free from wild oat.
If you bring in seed lots of OHM from another country, there must be an official document certifying at least one of the points below:
- the batch is grown in a field which has been free from wild oat (Avena fatua and Avena sterilis) and that a sample of 1 kg from the batch is free from wild oat
- a sample of 3 kg from the batch is free from wild oat.
The minimum germination requirement need not be met if the actual germination of the lot is indicated on the packaging.
Registered OHM in other EU countries
We have published all registered OHM in other EU countries on our Swedish web page under the headline "Registrerat OHM i andra EU-länder".
Keep certain information about OHM for 5 years
Anyone who markets OHM must save the following information for 5 years:
- a copy of the notification of the material and all documents submitted to the Board of Agriculture
- copy of all documents and records kept for the control of organic production
- copy of the organic production certificate from the control body
- information allowing to identify who has left the mother material for breeding or production of heterogeneous material, if applicable.
The operator or producer of the OHM shall also have an up-to-date record or register available at all times. It shall contain the following data:
- nature and denomination of the notified material
- the type and technology used to produce the notified material
- a description of the notified material
- place where the material notified has been bred
- place of production and area used to produce the notified material
- the quantities produced from the notified material.
Seed may require a plant passport
If you professionally trade in or move certain types of seed for sowing within Sweden or between EU Member States, the seeds must have a plant passport. Plant passports are labels which are attached to the product, showing that the seed has been controlled and are free from serious organisms harmful to plants. The purpose of plant passports is to prevent the spread of organisms harmful to plants and when necessary, trace organisms harmful to plants that have spread. Where the seed required to have a plant passport is certified, the plant passport must be combined with the seed label.
Common rules when trading with other EU countries
The EU common rules on the certification and marketing of seed apply to the marketing of seed within the EU, which means quality requirements such as germination, the admixture of other species and diseases, varietal identity, packaging and labelling.
Trade in seed potatoes within the EU
Seed potatoes within the EU shall be certified and have a plant passport.
Special regulations apply if you bring in ware potatoes and seed potatoes from Poland and Romania to Sweden.
If you have any questions about seed potatoes from Poland and Romania, contact the Plant Regulations Unit of the Swedish Board of Agriculture.
If you buy seed potatoes from Denmark, the Netherlands, or Germany, you should demand a certificate stating that the potatoes have been officially tested. The certificate shall also show that the seed potatoes are free from the serious bacterial infections known as ring rot and brown rot, respectively.
Contact the seed unit of the Swedish Board of Agriculture if you are unsure whether the lot originated in a risk area. You can also contact us when it comes to testing of seed lots that are already in Sweden.
Phytosanitary certificates for trade with countries outside the EU
If you are importing seeds from a country outside the EU, there must be a phytosanitary certificate for the seeds. This is a document issued by the national plant protection organisation in the exporting country, showing that they have checked the products and verified that the products are free from regulated plant pests. You shall also pre-notify the import to the Swedish Board of Agriculture.
However, there is certain seed which you are not allowed to import, as there is a considerable risk that harmful plant pests, which are not present in the EU, may be brought along with the seed. These are known as quarantine pests. This applies to, among others, seed potatoes. The only countries outside the EU from which you are allowed to import seed potatoes are Switzerland, Liechtenstein and Northern Ireland, as they are considered within the EU for phytosanitary purposes. The seed potatoes must then be certified and have a plant passport
If you are selling seed to a country outside the EU, you need to find out what the rules are in the recipient country. Some countries require a phytosanitary certificate for the products. You can apply for a certificate with the Swedish Board of Agriculture.
Import of seeds from countries outside the EU
Seed that you import from a non-EU country must meet the same quality requirements as is within the EU. The rules vary somewhat depending on whether you are importing seed of agricultural plants, vegetable or ornamental plants.
In order to import certified seed , the exporting country must be approved. The approved countries can be found in the European Council Decision on the equivalence of field inspections of seed production fields in non-EU, and on the equivalence of seed produced in countries in the non-EU countries. This decision is often referred to as the equivalence decision. The seed must be certified in accordance with EU seed rules, or in accordance with OECD certification schemes for the species in question. Only varieties included in the EU catalogue of varieties may be marketed in the EU.
Agricultural plants
Seed lots, to be propagated or marketed, from agricultural plants shall be notified to the seed unit of the Swedish Board of Agriculture.
Trade in seed potatoes from the United Kingdom is prohibited due to EU phytosanitary regulations, regardless of equivalence decisions or free-trade agreements.
The Swedish Board of Agriculture is to be notified of lots if the lots exceed 2 kilograms.
It is not possible to import controlled standard vegetable seed from third countries because it cannot be resold after it has entered the country.
Ornamental plants
You may import seeds of ornamental plants from nearly any country. The seed must meet the same quality requirements as are applied in the EU.
The seed must be free from wild oats
If you are bringing seed into Sweden from other countries, whether it is from other EU Member States or from countries outside the EU, you are responsible for ensuring that it is free of wild oats. If you need help to check this, you can contact the Swedish Board of Agriculture’s seed unit. Seed from cereal species except corn (Zea mays) shall be tested for wild oats before being used in Sweden.
Import and export of organic seed
When you trade with organic seed with countries outside the EU, there are additional rules that you must comply with in order to be permitted to market them as organic in Sweden and the rest of the EU.
A licence is required for the import of seeds of hemp
If you are going to import seeds of hemp from a country outside the EU, you need a licence which you apply for in our e-service. This is the case regardless of the quantity.

Order services from the seed unit
Please contact us to order analyses!
Please contact us to order post control test or certification of seeds!
Revision date: 2024-07-01